I wanted to write a blog post about my trip to Brighton because it was a really necessary trip. So with all of my modules going on it find its pretty easy for me to become overwhelmed and overthink and all the bad effects that come with these feelings, so I needed a break from the norm.
Whilst I was there it felt like a weight had been lifted almost as if a change of scenery was enough to motivate me to get back to working, I felt keen to carry on with my work. I think the fact that brighton is so massively arty was also really important. Whilst there I visited a few quirky galleries that were hidden away in corners. I was really inspired by the architecture, the street art and the art being sold. I loved the flea markets and all the weird and whacky stuff that was found within it. This post doesn’t have much to do with my physical work per say but I felt like it really changed the way I felt about university, about myself as a designer and even made me think about where I would be after university. It opened up opportunity, Brighton being one of the festival/party capitals of the country was also a very pleasing aspect of this trip.
A few things that took my fancy whilst in Brighton.