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APP – Week 5

Design Manifesto

This week we were visited by a woman called Catherine to speak to us about creative writing, manifestos and put us to the test with a writing experiment.

The session consisted of learning about how to start writing, how to structure writing and the different types of writing styles by thinking of how personal or objective the writing is, is it academic based, does it have an impact and so on.

Starting writing can be hard, I don’t find it particularly tedious writing, but I can find it hard to actually sit down and getting going so freewriting was actually really useful for me. Freewriting involved writing continuously for a specified amount of time, in my case 10 minutes. The point of the experiment is to not stop writing, even when your mind goes blank you must not stop!! I actually really enjoyed doing this and found the information I was writing flowed out of me, but I personally feel this is because I had no restraints and it didn’t matter what I wrote, where it went, the structure or the grammar. But I definitely felt like it got the creative writing juices flowing! So I asked myself, What would I do if i had one month left to live? And I confidently and continuously wrote 526 words, and without sounding cliche it felt like it was from the heart.

Question to prompt writing..

I did also find smart tasks really useful and I am adding to this blog at a later date because I have started giving myself smart targets (specific targets where I write out exactly what I need to do) and it has massively helped with my scheduling, time keeping and procrastination because I know exactly what I need to do and I’m not faffing around for an hour or two trying to figure out where to get started, wasting time in the day.

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