On Wednesday Georgia and I attended a session on LinkedIn to gain a better understanding of how the programme works, but also how to use it to our full advantage. Whilst there I took notes on all the information given, and it’s all very useful, but my job is to reflect on what I’ve learnt and how I use this session to my advantage so I’ll cut out all the ‘boring’ stuff I wrote down.
The main tips I took from this session would be the use of key words and key skills. These elements of LinkedIn are really important as first and foremost it’s attention grabbing, obviously it explains what you do and what your passionate about but also more importantly, it pushes job opportunities your way and encourages the viewer to read and find out more.
I learnt plenty of other things to help on my LinkedIn journey like use of groups, but I definitely felt, as previously stated, that the use of key words and key skills was what I took from this session and I will definitely be updating my LinkedIn now!